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《寒心》“真正的心寒,不是大吵大闹,真正的失望也不是泪流满面,而是言语简短,目光冷淡,我的话你无动于衷,你的事,我也不会在过问,我得为自己留口气,我再也不会对你长篇大论了,没必要,是你的态度,让我清醒了,差不多也傻够了,我该用脑子生活了,后来才明白,精神寄托可以是音乐,是工作,是香烟,是烈酒,是山川,是大海,唯独不可以是人”– “Cold Heart” “Real cold, not a big fuss, real disappointment is not tears, but short words, cold eyes, my words you indifferent, your thing, I will not ask, I have to leave a breath for myself, I will never talk to you again, no need, is your attitude, let me wake up, almost silly enough, I should use my brain to live, Only later did I understand that spiritual sustenance can be music, work, cigarettes, spirits, mountains and rivers, and the sea, but it cannot be you.”