时间就像一条河流,载着我们顺流而下,遇到现实,需要决策,但我们无法停留,也无法回避,只能以最好的方式应对 … @厦门·鼓浪屿,读 Ray Dalio 的《原则》。Time is like a river, carrying us downstream. When faced with reality and the need to make decisions, we can neither stay put nor avoid them. We can only deal with them in the best way possible.
2018年05月02日 23:16 星期三 www.caizhu.net
某些事情发生的时候,你总是感觉不到,直到一切成为结果,才确信它曾经真实地存在过,就好像无声飘落的雪花,在不经意间染白了大地。When certain things happen, you often can’t sense them. It’s not until everything turns into a result that you are convinced that they once truly existed, just like the snowflakes that fall silently and inadvertently whiten the earth.
2017年06月04日 01:05 星期日 www.caizhu.net
反思,不可不做的一件事情。反思是认识自我的过程,反思的过程中才能知道自己的弱点、要害、不足之处,时刻加以改正就会越来越好。Reflection is something that must be done. Reflection is the process of getting to know oneself. It is only during the process of reflection that we can become aware of our own weaknesses, vulnerabilities and deficiencies. If we keep correcting them all the time, we will become better and better.
2017年05月31日 05:17 星期三 www.caizhu.net
人生是一场永不落幕的演出,我们每一个人都是演员,只不过,有的人顺从自己,有的人取悦观众 …… 人生就像滚雪球,最重要的是发现很湿的雪和很长的坡。Life is a performance that never ends. Each of us is an actor. However, some people follow their own hearts, while others try to please the audience… Life is like rolling a snowball. The most important thing is to find wet snow and a long slope.
2017年05月03日 23:19 星期三 www.caizhu.net
“所有的努力,不是为了让别人觉得你了不起;而是为了,能让自己打心眼里看得起自己!”,晚安好梦~ 今夜美股行情不咋滴,早些枕着音乐眠。All the efforts you make are not meant to make others think highly of you, but to enable you to truly respect yourself from the bottom of your heart.
2017年05月03日 01:18 星期三 www.caizhu.net
晚上睡不着觉就开始数羊:一只羊、两只羊、三只羊、喜羊羊、美羊羊、懒羊羊、沸羊羊,小肥羊、海底捞、麻酱、小料、金针菇、虾滑、宽粉、海带、豆芽、大海螺、菠菜 … 干啤、勇闯、燕京 …TM 的,下楼,不睡了!
2017年05月02日 23:59 星期二 www.caizhu.net
“好的职场人不会只做常规性的工作,而是会创造性地思考怎样做会让事情的结果更好”,高铁上读《第一财经周刊》摘录一下。Good professionals will not just do routine work. Instead, they will think creatively about how to make the results of things better.
2017年05月01日 23:51 星期一 www.caizhu.net